Friday, October 29, 2010


Feel lik i look so ugly last time.... N also so damn childish...

Now onli im feel tat im realli a big gal edi....

Everything change... Not onli wan to b a beautiful gal,even wan to get slim...

So im on diet now... Everyday onli 1 meal... I noe is unhealthy... Even lao gong also saying me jor...

Wat to do... I wan to get slim as soon as i can..

I wan to b sexy as miao miao... I wan to b gorgeous...

Now im FAT but im adorable... hehe^^

So i hope i can do it...

Not onli i change thinking bout my look,even everything...

My love,start on frm now no more puppy love...

My love will b true love n also serious 1...

Now tintin onli nid 大卫李...

I wanna b wit him forever...

He will b wit me forever,not few months love anymore...

N i change many thinking bout future...

But sumtimes i feel future wont b tat easy anymore...

I had plan everything bout my future...

Sumtimes feel i cant c my future...

Friday, October 22, 2010


I'm trying to be myself from now on
because I felt that I had become a different person that actually I am not.
I believe the last time of me will help to improve my attitude and thinking.
I'm learning to be more mature & thoughtful :)
By the way, SPM is around the corner. I'm thinking to start my practice
and trying to put more effort on my studies. If I got flying colours,
I'm gonna be the most happiest girl in the world. But I'm telling myself [dream off]. I know I'm not smart like the others.

However, I will just try my best to get good results.
The only thing that,
I have to avoid going out with friends
and try not to get addicted in any activities.
Face it now, enjoy later is the best choice. Friends,

I know I'm good in saying ..

but do you think I can make it? =/

Monday, October 11, 2010

I still believe in loving you


Just when I thought of love is here to stay
Just when I thought you never ever go away
You said it’s time for you to go
But I’m not sure I really know why you are leaving...

And when we finally said our last goodbye
I’ll never make it hard for you
You won’t even see me cry
And thought the tears inside of me
I’m gonna make your heart go free
Before you leave there’s just one thing
that I want you to know...

I still believe in loving you
Inspite of all the hurt that I’m going through
Even if again and again you would break my heart
One thing would never change
I still believe in loving you...

If you tell me that you’ll be alright
I’ll never let you see me bloom
But I’ll keep our love alive
And thought I’m feeling incomplete
I guess that this is what you need...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

how could u say u love me !

You say, that you've always been true

Lookin' in your eyes, I see you lie

You're trying hard to hide that

There someone new you found and,

You want me to believe that you still care

How can you hurt me this way

Everything I knew was lovin' you

How could you try pretending

Your love was never ending

Now you can't even say that you will stay

How, how could you say you love me

When you would go and leave me

How could you make me hurt so bad

When I have loved you more than anyone can do

Can't believe the pain

That I'm feeling now because of loving

I can't seem to understand

How can love me so unkind

Still you broke my heart

Despite what I've done

Still my love was not enough

Though I given you my all

I can't take it anymore

Thursday, October 7, 2010

HaTe u MoRe !


i hate dows pipols
hu hate me to .

i hate you for flirtinq .

u ar not really handsome,
but i dont understand
wat was all that for all .♥

i dont like how u behave,!

i hate plastic .
back fighter , cheats
insecure . brats .
wild .

i have also never treat u,
as part of"that" before.

i totally i hate u now.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

..Take it seriousLy..

1. 你有吃早餐的习惯? 有~~2 没有~~3

2. 你养过宠物? 有~~7 没有~~3

3. 你有工作经验? 有~~7 没有~~4

4. 你有好的运动细胞? 有~~8 没有~~5

5. 你现在正在减肥? 是~~9 不是~~6

6. 你认为看电影一定要吃零食? 是~~9 不是~~10

7. 你觉得地球上出现过外星人? 有~~8 没有~~11

8. 你曾有过很多恋情? 是~~12 不是~~9

9. 你很少看漫画书? 是~~13 不是~~10

10. 你到KTV就会唱个不停? 是~~13 不是~~14

11. 你喜欢吃三明治? 喜欢~~14 不喜欢~~12

12. 你会自创不同的菜式? 会~~15 不会~~13

13. 你很会画插画? 是~~A型 不是~~B型

14. 你喜欢格子图案? 喜欢~~C型 不喜欢~~D型

15. 你很想出国上学? 是~~E型 不是F型

16. 你曾参加过某明星的后援会? 有~~G型 没有~~H型

不管是熟人还是陌生人,你都会主动与对方交谈,你给人的感觉很活泼也很大方且并不 唐突,所以你并不惹人讨厌,你给人的第一个印象不错,你的思维过于活跃,所以身边总是很多朋友,但知心的并没有几个,你太贪玩,表面看似和谁都能相约吃 饭,逛街,做一些亲密的事,这样会让你真正的好朋友怀疑到底与你之间的友谊是哪种,对方可能不能确定与你要好的程度,而如果对方又是不喜欢表达的人,这种 情绪会越积越多,到最后不可负荷时,爆发出来,可能受伤的反而是你。所以注意一下自己的表现,你应该对不管是友情还是其他感情,都有鲜明的态度,这样才不 会有不必要的误会和遗憾。

有你在的地方一定有欢笑,你善良,调皮,任性,霸道与贴心。你看起来活泼好动,但实际内心深处,你有些自卑而自负,你希望自己能把事情做到 最好,你很在乎别人对你的评价,你的性格像小孩,单纯直接,情绪化,喜怒哀乐写在脸上,你没有心机,但也缺少些自我保护的能力,你表面看来很容易相处,但 想要走进你的内心世界其实并不容易,你需要人家的鼓励,包容,宠爱和肯定,其实你也常常自我反省,你希望自己能做到起码80%的完美,但你似乎没那个毅 力,所以你的情绪变化无常,一定是被这些因素困扰的。

你是择善固执的坚持派,有人与你聊天,你可以天马星空的聊,但你不会主动找对方 聊天。你很有原则也很被动,你总是习惯呆在自己的世界里,你在朋友的眼里是比较难深交的人,大家感觉你和人交往,总是点到为止,你心里的那片天地不对外开 放,也很保护自己的私隐。

D型人~~ 你是积极努力认真派,你对自己要求很高,但一旦遇到和你脾气相似的人,你们就很有惺惺相惜的感觉,因而相谈甚欢。你虽然表面看起来有些严肃,但是其实你单 纯善良,你的想法总是积极的,你有很强的自我调节能力,所以即使你遇到苦难,也能很好的处理,你在朋友是最乖的朋友,因为当你真心喜欢一个人的时候,你的 贴心和用心会不自然的流露出来,你个朋友的关系看似平淡,但其实双方心里的挂念,彼此都知道。

你开朗没心机,你对朋友很大方,也很周到你很舍得在朋友身上花钱,你看起来漫不 经心,实际上你做事很有条理。一旦你要做,就会做得很快,可是往往你懒于去做,你很喜欢说话,你喜欢与别人交流意见,尤其是自己了解的事,你比较好强,可 是那种好强并没给他人带来困扰。

你的废话不多,你喜欢观察,不管是人还是事物,你的心思慎密,眼光独到,你总能 看出别人看不出的细节,你做事很有计划,这让朋友和你相处起来十分安心,因为你不仅把自己处理得很稳妥,空闲时,还能帮朋友做一些小事,你能掌握别人的想 法,你的观点总是比较有建材,也很特别,你很理智和现实,你不喜欢天马行空的乱想,你觉得那样没意义。

G型人~~ 你不喜欢想得太远,只要眼下快乐就好,你没什么想像力,你每天关心的是今天要做什么,怎么做。你的生活很简单,正常吃,喝,睡,闷了找人聊点无关要紧的事 情,把事情打发走 。你对生活中的快乐与烦恼看得很开,你是个很容易满足的人。

你是和善亲切自然派,你生性豪爽,在你心里没什么过不去的事!你不自卑,不自负 也不自私,人生对你而言跟玩似的,困难和不安到你那里,很快就消失,朋友与你一起很舒服,看起来对什么都不在乎的你,会把这种无所谓带给朋友,让对方也能 很快走出低痱的情绪。

So.. What's your answer? Isn't accurate?? By the way, my answer is B and it's really accurate!! All the things that its mentioned is absolutely what my character.. =)